Tips to Keep Your Office Clean

When a client enters into your office, they get the first impression of you by how clean, tidy and organized your office is. Besides, keeping the office clean and maintaining it that way ensures that you maintain good health for everyone. A clean office also boosts the morale and increases the efficiency of your workers.

It sets a standard of cleanliness for your employees and enhances your personal and company image. How then do you ensure that office cleanliness is maintained at all times? Here are some few tips to help you:

Top 9 Tips to Keeping Your Office Clean

1. Place Dustbins and Recycle Bins in Strategic Positions
Place recycle bins where materials such as paper, cartridges and other waste are dumped. This ensures that your employees won’t have waste lying on their desks the entire day because they don’t know where to take it. The bins should be enough for all the employees and should be distributed all over the office so that they are in the vicinity of every employee.

However, having enough dustbins and placing them strategically isn’t enough, bringing us to the next tip.

2. Empty Dustbins Everyday

This is especially necessary for bins which contain waste that can rot and go bad such as food.  Such bins should be emptied everyday so that the air in the office is fresh and of high quality. Emptying office bins daily instills a good culture in your employees, in addition to keeping a healthy atmosphere in the office.

3. Avoid Eating at your Desk

Eating at the office desk is arguably the most common cause of a dirty office. Eating your takeout at the desk adds grime and pieces of food all over the desk. Eating away from the desk, even if it is still within the office, makes employees work better when they return to their desks after lunch break. This is because it separates the work place from a relaxation area.

4. Remove Clutter from Your Office Desk

A desk full of clutter becomes untidy and disorganized. A lot of clutter also takes the attention away from work to all the clutter on the table. It is imperative that the desk spaces stay clutter free with only the essentials placed on it. Have a filing system to avoid having loads of paper on the desk. Also ensure that you only bring to the desk what is being worked on.

Clutter encourages accumulation of dirt and germs on the desk. Make sure that cables are not lying everywhere on office desks and beyond. Bind the cables together and organize them below office desks.

5. Wipe Office Electronics Daily

There are lots of spaces and crevices in electronic equipment in the office such as computer keyboards, printers, scanners and laminators that can be a hub for germs and dirt. Ensure that the electronics are wiped clean everyday so they are germ free and maintain a new look.

6. Use Material that Encourages Employee Cleanliness

Place a sign that indicates “wash your hands” at a sink to encourage employees or remind them to keep their hands clean. You could also have informational material placed around the office to keep your employees and even clients on their toes.

7. Hire a Cleaning Company

Sometimes it becomes hard to keep up with all the cleaning requirements of an office, especially for a big company. In this case, hire the services of a cleaning company to ensure that all the cleaning aspects of your office are taken care of. You therefore have time to concentrate on what is important.

8. Remember the Framed Items on the Walls

You probably have some framed pictures or even your certificates of achievements framed and displayed in your office. Ensure that these are not forgotten because they can attract lots of dust.

9. Office Flowers and Other Decorations

These are usually ignored until a lot of dust and debris accumulates around them. Ensure that you remember to keep the flowers and all other decorations in the office cleaned. If they are not cleaned often, they make the office unsightly instead of making it look better.


Doing all these things is easy but maintaining them is where most people fail. To ensure that the office stays clean, always straighten your desk everyday at the end of business. Also, it is important to have all the things you use at your proximity and those that you rarely use far away from your sight.

Finally have a cleaning schedule that reminds you to clean the parts of the office that you might not be able to clean everyday such as decorations.

Contact us to discuss your office cleaning needs and forge a way forward to keeping your space clean, tidy and organized

Visit our corporate website: House Cleaning Reno NV.